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wcomp-raspberry [2015/03/25 14:23]
Stéphane Lavirotte
wcomp-raspberry [2015/03/26 14:40] (current)
Stéphane Lavirotte [Install sensors libraries on Raspberry Pi]
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 {{:​public_namespace:​raspberrypi.png?​65|}} As on Linux platform, WComp needs Mono to execute C# code. Current Raspberry Pi distribustion (Raspbian) are compiled for ARM with support for "hard float" which means that float computation are done directly by the processor and not by a soft evaluation. {{:​public_namespace:​raspberrypi.png?​65|}} As on Linux platform, WComp needs Mono to execute C# code. Current Raspberry Pi distribustion (Raspbian) are compiled for ARM with support for "hard float" which means that float computation are done directly by the processor and not by a soft evaluation.
 +{{:​public_namespace:​target:​raspberrypib.jpg?​200|}} {{:​public_namespace:​target:​raspberrypibplus.jpg?​200|}}
 ===== Install Mono on Raspberry Pi ===== ===== Install Mono on Raspberry Pi =====
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 As the last step of the overall process, to install WComp, you juste have to unzip ''​SharpWCompContainerMonoLinux.zip''​ where you want, to be able to us it. To get WComp for Linux, you can [[contact_us|contact us]]. We do not deliver Linux over the Web. As the last step of the overall process, to install WComp, you juste have to unzip ''​SharpWCompContainerMonoLinux.zip''​ where you want, to be able to us it. To get WComp for Linux, you can [[contact_us|contact us]]. We do not deliver Linux over the Web.
-===== Install sensors ​library ​on Raspberry Pi=====+===== Install sensors ​libraries ​on Raspberry Pi=====
 On Raspberry Pi, you can use different king of sensor libraries with WComp. You can use Goove, Phidgets, Electronic Brick. Moreover, we are currently working one a unified way to access to all these set of sensors and actuators for you to be able to create propotypes with differents sets. On Raspberry Pi, you can use different king of sensor libraries with WComp. You can use Goove, Phidgets, Electronic Brick. Moreover, we are currently working one a unified way to access to all these set of sensors and actuators for you to be able to create propotypes with differents sets.
-==== Install ​Groove ​Pi ====+  * [[raspberry-grove|Install ​Grove Pi on Raspberry Pi]] 
 +  * [[raspberry-phidget|Install Phidget on Raspberry Pi]] 
 +  * [[raspberry-ebrick|Install Electronic Brick on Raspberry Pi]] 
 +  * [[raspberry-enocean|Install EnOcean on Raspberry Pi]]
-To be able to use Groove sensors and actuators, you will have to install some extra software. You can read the following procedure to setup the software to use Groove Pi on Raspberry Pi. 
-  * [[http://​www.dexterindustries.com/​GrovePi/​get-started-with-the-grovepi/​setting-software/​|Setup software for Groove Pi]] 
-  * [[http://​www.dexterindustries.com/​GrovePi/​get-started-with-the-grovepi/​updating-firmware/​|Setup firmware for Groove Pi]] (only do that to upgrade the GroovePi firware to the last release) 
-When every software part is installed, you have to patch the wiringPi library in order to be able to use it with WComp. You just have to download the following zip file, extract it and and launch the installer to patch and install a patch wiringPi library on your Raspberry Pi. 
- * Download {{:​telechargement:​wiringpi_patch.zip|}} 
-unzip wiringpi_patch.zip 
-cd WiringPi\ Patch 
-chmod +x install.sh 
-sudo ./​install.sh 
-==== Install Phidgets ==== 
-First of all, you have to download and compile the C phidget library to be able to use it on Raspberry. 
-sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0.0-dev 
-wget http://​www.phidgets.com/​downloads/​libraries/​libphidget.tar.gz 
-cd libphidget-* ; # * could be 
-sudo make install 
-Then you have to add Phidget available for Mono. 
-sudo gacutil -i phidget21-windevel/​Phidget21.NET.dll 
  • wcomp-raspberry.1427289793.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/03/25 14:23
  • by Stéphane Lavirotte