
This is an old revision of the document!

Install Groove Pi on Raspberry Pi

To be able to use Groove sensors and actuators, you will have to install some extra software. You can read the following procedure to setup the software to use Groove Pi on Raspberry Pi.

When every software part is installed, you have to patch the wiringPi library in order to be able to use it with WComp. You just have to download the following zip file, extract it and and launch the installer to patch and install a patch wiringPi library on your Raspberry Pi.

* Download wiringpi_patch.zip

unzip wiringpi_patch.zip
cd WiringPi\ Patch
chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh

You have to give access to a regular user to GrovePi to avoid to use sudo to your program when you want to access GrovePi. Raspberry uses Serial, SPI and I2C to communicate with GrovePi. So you need to give access for a regular user to all these buses.

  • raspberry-grove.1427352117.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/03/26 07:41
  • by Stéphane Lavirotte